Welcome to More In Common Podcast With Rodney Campbell and Keith Richardson. This podcast is our social experiment to examine our belief that we all have more in common than that which divides us. With each new guests we have open, honest, and insightful conversation about the things that matter to them.

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Changing the Education Paradigm /// Brandon Stover /// EP144:Part1
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Time continually evolves our needs and how we access those needs. We have a thirst for knowledge and education, yet, it is increasingly less accessible to us.
Especially education that captures what we want out of life. Giving us the practical experience to pursue what we know we are good at, but it falls outside the parameters of traditional education.
We now can re-envision what education looks like for people and how it can be accessible and practical.
Brandon is thinking differently about giving access to continued education in a way that challenges the status quo.
Brandon Stover believes that the evolution of the world requires the development of the individual. His work strives to evolve the individual by liberating and educating others to have the belief, willpower, & skills to change their lives and discover a fulfilling purpose to change the lives of others.
As a founder, Brandon is launching a personalized, online university that combines a student's passions with skill building to solve the world's most significant challenges. Constantly evolving himself through learning, he is obsessed with delivering this power to others and scaling its impact.
As a podcaster, Brandon is also the host and producer of the Evolve Podcast, a show about how social innovators and founders can change the world. From climate change to education to mental health, he mines the wisdom of visionaries and experts for the tools and tactics to solve these global issues. He also created the Power To Podcast 90 day audio course, which teaches podcasting in just 10 minutes a day and has over 75K downloads to date.
Before these ventures, Brandon has half a decade of experience as a designer, marketer, and educator. His portfolio and body of work can be found at brandonstover.com.
Topics we discuss:
- Listening to Understand
○ Seek clarity
○ Validate another's emotions
○ Impact of Podcasting
- Higher Education
○ Evolution of value
○ Is it the golden ticket?
- Growing up
○ How it led to his awareness
- The challenges he faced
- Brandon - LinkedIn
- Brandonstover.com
- Benjamin Mathes - Website
- Impact theory - Tom Billieu
- Evolvethe.world
- Power To Podcast
- Victor Frankel's - a man's search for meaning
- Our conversation on his podcast
- Conversation with Pete Mulroy
- Conversation with Jamil Smith
Main Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.
All music created by DJ Rufbeats

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
The Beginning of a Dream /// Jeremiah Smart /// EP143:Part2
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Pursuing our dreams is not easy, and we want it to be, but it is a grind with daily effort to make our reality what we envision it.
Jeremiah Smart is an excellent example of someone living that before his dream is fulfilled. It is never easy, but it becomes easier when we achieve what we set out to do.
However, in the early days, belief and a vision have to drive the perseverance to get where you want to be. Jeremiah embodies that effort, and we are excited to be a part of his early journey.
Today we are with Jeremiah Smart. 23 and from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Through his dreams, belief in self, hope, and faith, he fulfilled his life dreams. Currently living in Los Angeles, he produces the Smartway Podcast, where he drops short, weekly pearls of hope and inspiration for anyone who needs a positive boost to their day.
He is an aspiring author and sets out every day to make just one person's life better.
Topics we discuss:
- Being better
- Better than self
- Better off than parents
- What he has seen in life
- Maintaining Optimism
- Impatience
- Comparing others
- Managing Patience
- What next year looks like for him
- His Podcast - Smartway Podcast
- The Jen Ratio
- Addison Rae Tik Tok
- NBA Young Boy
Main Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.
All music created by DJ Rufbeats

Friday Nov 19, 2021
The Beginning of a Dream /// Jeremiah Smart /// EP143:Part1
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
So often, we look in the past to see how people have arrived at the present. It's easy to do because we can pick those we see as a "success" and wonder how they got there.
What is impressive about this conversation with Jeremiah Smart is that we get to initially see someone with the dreams and vision for their future that has yet to pan out.
We don't know where he will end up, but he does, and he will do what it takes to make a difference in this world. This conversation is the beginning of his journey, and we are thrilled to bring that to you.
Today we are with Jeremiah Smart. 23 and from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Through his dreams, belief in self, hope, and faith, he fulfilled his life dreams. Currently living in Los Angeles, he produces the Smartway Podcast, where he drops short, weekly pearls of hope and inspiration for anyone who needs a positive boost to their day.
He is an aspiring author and sets out every day to make just one person's life better.
Topics we discuss:
- Reading Body language
- What is a lie?
- Necessity of lying
- Fib vs. a lie
- Boundaries around lying
- Moving to California
- What impact it has had
- Seeing other's purpose
- Seeing the best in others.
- Traveling to get perspective
- Leaving and pursuing
- Knowing self
- His Podcast - Smartway Podcast
- The Jen Ratio
- Addison Rae Tik Tok
- NBA Young Boy
Main Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.
All music created by DJ Rufbeats

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
You’re Never Stuck, Lost or Alone /// Elizabeth Miles /// EP142:Part2
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
We all have a journey. On our journey's we take many steps in every direction. Sometimes, those steps have us walking in a circle, and it seems as if there is no way out.
As we talk about Elizabeth's philosophy on taking small pivots, we learn about her story. We learn about what her first Pivot was that sent her life in a direction she never thought possible.
After 20 years in an abusive relationship, she took her first Pivot. That led to many more, giving her the confidence to make big jumps that changed her life.
It's not always easy, but listening to Elizabeth's story may give you just enough inspiration to take that Pivot you need in your life.
Elizabeth A. Miles is an author, a certified life and business coach, a podcaster, and an entrepreneur. As the founder of March Forth Media Company, she is on a mission to help creatives find their unique style and voice and share their message with the world. Elizabeth is committed to assisting others in gaining the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to build a brand and business (and life) they love.
Elizabeth is the author of This Is Where You Pivot: The Shift from Fear to Freedom, The Journey to Healing: Love, Yourself, and Connect You: A Guide to Your Authentic Life. She is also the host of The Power to Pivot Podcast (available on Anchor, Apple, Spotify, and Amazon), where she interviews others who have chosen Pivot in their lives. Her blog features other creatives trying to spread their story and offers tools, tips, and resources for marketing and brand development.
Elizabeth is a Philadelphia native who loves baking and cooking, music, and spending time in nature.
Topics we discuss:
- What it was like before her choice to Pivot
- Her pivot moment and what changed
- The damaging relationship
- The journey to getting to her first Pivot
- Growing up and her early influences
- Being bullied
- Finding her place
- What life is like today
- Listening to Intuition
- Big (The Movie)
- Funko Pops
- Power to Pivot
- Friends - Pivot segment
Central Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.
All music created by DJ Rufbeats

Thursday Nov 04, 2021
You’re Never Stuck, Lost or Alone /// Elizabeth Miles /// EP142:Part1
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
In life, there are significant moments that change the direction we go. There are also big moments we choose not to take for fear of the unknown and the amount of change all at once.
Many people say it is these moments that are necessary to pursue what you want out of life. And, there is some truth to that.
However, there are so many opportunities to take small steps toward what you want. Little pivots that add up over time show what you can make that big moment easier.
This perspective is shared fervently by Elizabeth Miles. Her platform, Power to Pivot, helps us take those little pivots and appreciate the value that gives us on our path to the lives we want to live.
Elizabeth A. Miles is an author, a certified life and business coach, a podcaster, and an entrepreneur. As the founder of March Forth Media Company, she is on a mission to help creatives find their unique style and voice and share their message with the world. Elizabeth is committed to assisting others to gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to build a brand and business (and life) they love.
Elizabeth is the author of This Is Where You Pivot: The Shift from Fear to Freedom, The Journey to Healing: Love, Yourself, and Connect You: A Guide to Your Authentic Life. She is also the host of The Power to Pivot Podcast (available on Anchor, Apple, Spotify, and Amazon), where she interviews others who have chosen Pivot in their lives. Her blog features other creatives trying to spread their story and offers tools, tips, and resources for marketing and brand development.
Elizabeth is a Philadelphia native who loves baking and cooking, music, and spending time in nature.
Topics we discuss:
- Understanding boundaries
- Taking small pivots vs. big leaps
- Proving yourself you can make the change
- When to make big leaps
- How she learned to Pivot
- What is being an overnight success?
- Overnight stardom
- What is success?
- Big (The Movie)
- Funko Pops
- Power to Pivot
- Friends - Pivot segment
Central Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.
All music created by DJ Rufbeats

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
What’s it all for? /// Banana Chant /// EP141:PART2
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
When we pursue passions, especially in a group, a decision needs to be made that the pursuit of the thing will be a way to make money.
Making sure everyone is aligned to the goal while still maintaining the love for the thing is a challenge many people face. How do we do this without selling ourselves out?
Banana Chant has an amazing outlook on this balance, and as a group, they find that balance seamlessly. It's not easy, but they talk about it openly in an effort to make sure that it is the thing that drives them, not the money.
Today is a More In Common first…a full band…Banana Chant. They are an up-and-coming Alternative Rock Band located in Miami, Florida. With influences such as The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Young The Giant, Jimi Hendrix, and The Beatles, Banana Chant's music is deeply rooted in an authentic appreciation for good old-fashioned rock and roll.
A 4 piece band made up of Gilexson (Singer/Songwriter), Tanis Perez (Guitarist), Vanessa Faith (Bassist), and Doof (Drummer), Banana Chant strives to make music that they personally like to hear. It is not for monetary gain but for the love of music that keeps Banana Chant going. They have one EP released, "The Balloon Room," and an album, "Paying off Student Loans," which was released on March 20, 2021.
Their most recent video, "Floating," is the bands' self-proclaimed magnum opus. A song about isolation and addition, providing a haunting ghostlike quality with relaxed drums and a colorful bassline. The chorus is euphoric as Gilexson's falsetto and Vanessa's harmonies drift directly into your heart.
Topics we discuss:
- Balancing monetary goals and the purity of the music
- Understanding roles and strengths in a group
- Division of labor
- Their process of music creation
- Breaking news from Vanessa
- What 'Can't Believe' means from Gio himself
Main Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.
All music created by DJ Rufbeats

Thursday Oct 21, 2021
What’s it all for? /// Banana Chant /// EP141:Part1
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
We all work with people with who we don't always see eye to eye. Sometimes it's our closest relationships that challenge us the most. Put those two together, and it can be a challenge to accomplish what you set out to.
Banana Chant embodies the struggles and the way to resolve those struggles in order to accomplish the common goal.
A group that produces amazing music has to navigate the nuances of relationships, responsibilities, and the dynamics of a team environment.
Banana Chant gracefully navigates those challenges and tells us about it in Part 1 of this conversation.
Today is a More In Common first…a full band…Banana Chant. They are an up-and-coming Alternative Rock Band located in Miami, Florida. With influences such as The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Young The Giant, Jimi Hendrix, and The Beatles, Banana Chant's music is deeply rooted in an authentic appreciation for good old-fashioned rock and roll.
A 4 piece band made up of Gilexson (Singer/Songwriter), Tanis Perez (Guitarist), Vanessa Faith (Bassist), and Doof (Drummer), Banana Chant strives to make music that they personally like to hear. It is not for monetary gain but for the love of music that keeps Banana Chant going. They have one EP released, "The Balloon Room," and an album, "Paying off Student Loans," which was released on March 20, 2021.
Their most recent video, "Floating," is the bands' self-proclaimed magnum opus. A song about isolation and addition, providing a haunting ghostlike quality with relaxed drums and a colorful bassline. The chorus is euphoric as Gilexson's falsetto, and Vanessa's harmonies drift directly into your heart.
Topics we discuss:
- Understanding the goals of a Conversation
- Managing emotions
- Listening as a mode of creation
- Managing the differences within the band
- Individual vs. band goals
- Finding the balance with Band and other priorities
- Managing Resent
- Their Origin story and what keeps them together
Main Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.
All music created by DJ Rufbeats

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Living a BOLD Life /// Jessica Frew /// EP140:Part2
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
So many things try to dictate how we act. It's easy to follow when we don't know who we really are.
In Part 2 of this conversation with Jessica, we really get into what it looks like to navigate acting most aligned to who you are and not what you are told.
The navigation of self within the social structures of our social ecosystems is a balance many do not achieve. Jessica gets into what this looks like for her as she is an example of what is truly possible to live a happy life.
Today we are with Jessica Frew, co-host of the "Husband in Law" Podcast. A podcast for those who are open-minded enough to let go of the religious and social norms they have been taught we should all fit into.
Steve, Jessica, and Matt walk through the science of making a relationship successful. Steve and Jessica were happily married for seven years until Steve came out as being gay, which inevitably ended in divorce. Now, Matt and Jessica have been happily married for six years.
Matt, Jessica, and Steve have a relationship that, by most standards, would be considered atypical.
Sharing stories of love, marriage, children, divorce, the struggles of religious norms, homosexuality, and trying to be our best selves, this podcast holds nothing back and shares what most people are scared to talk about.
Jessica is really passionate about Living a BOLD life and how it not only impacts us personally but also in the way we show up in our relationships.
Topics we discuss:
- Managing judgement
- Being divorced in the Mormon Church
- Accepting her ex husband
- Accepting a "Different" life
- Religious identity
- What being Mormon means to her
- Loving and not loving it at the same time
- Questioning
- Her journey of self-discovery
- Journaling
- Helping others on their journey
- Parenting her child to be herself
Main Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.
All music created by DJ Rufbeats

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Living a BOLD Life /// Jessica Frew /// EP140:Part1
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Life can be complex, with so many different influences on how we see ourselves. Our identity is wrapped up in so many things that we can easily lose sight of who we really are.
Jessica is a shining example of understanding yourself. She carries many labels. Those labels could easily cause her to act in a way that is expected by others.
Yet, it doesn't change who she is. She wears her labels with pride and still is able to maintain grace and acceptance of others.
Her compassion emanates from her, and her ability to be who she is with confidence gives her the greatest opportunity to leave a positive impact on this world.
Today we are with Jessica Frew, co-host of the "Husband in Law" Podcast. A podcast for those who are open-minded enough to let go of the religious and social norms they have been taught we should all fit into.
Steve, Jessica, and Matt walk through the science of making a relationship successful. Steve and Jessica were happily married for seven years until Steve came out as being gay, which inevitably ended in divorce. Now, Matt and Jessica have been happily married for six years.
Matt, Jessica, and Steve have a relationship that, by most standards, would be considered atypical.
Sharing stories of love, marriage, children, divorce, the struggles of religious norms, homosexuality, and trying to be our best selves, this podcast holds nothing back and shares what most people are scared to talk about.
Jessica is really passionate about Living a BOLD life and how it not only impacts us personally but also in the way we show up in our relationships.
Topics we discuss:
- Planning out difficult conversations
- Exploring the emotions
- Holding more than one emotions
- Taking space and time
- Living a bold life
- Doing what feels right to you
- Showing up as yourself
- Setting personal boundaries
Main Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.
All music created by DJ Rufbeats

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Masculinity…what is it? /// Carlos “Lonelez” Rosario /// EP139:Part2
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Our perspective is dramatically shaped by our personal experiences. Hearing how other people perceive based on their lived experience is a great way to expand your perspective.
In America, we see change as slow and rarely accomplished. However, when you talk to someone from another country, their perspective of slowness is very different because it truly does take a lifetime for change to occur.
Carlos provides a great perspective on cultural change in this part of the conversation. Maybe it will help you see a different point of view.
Today we are with Carlos "Lonelez" Rosario Gonzalez. Lonelez began his journey in the music industry as a graphic designer. Having designed for names such as Ozuna, Mozart La Para, J Alvarez, and Natti Natasha, he discovered that his true passion was in music production. Soon, Lonelez began to remix popular songs and it wasn't long until his remixes began to garner favorable attention.
His trap remix of Daddy Yankee's Shaky Shaky became an internet sensation, and his bachata remix of Plan B's Fanatica Sensual was danced all over the world. In 2021, his reggaeton remix of Taylor Swift's Willow became a viral sound on TikTok.
He is now putting lyrics to his beats and, after releasing his first independent album Atraccion in 2018, and recently released his EP LaRomcom. His songs are those of love, adventure, party-going, and fun, with a bilingual touch that's purely unique to Lonelez.
Carlos also has written the romance novel series "The Bohemians".
Topics we discuss:
- Machismo and his mindset about it
- Speed of cultural change
- U.S. vs Dominican
- The influence of his art on others
- Vulnerability
- Falling in love
- Transforming who he is
- Trusting yourself and what is
- Reluctance moving to New York
- Music as his future
- The story behind LoneLez
- Carlos' Books
- Carlos' Music
- Hinduism's definitions of Gender
- F.E.A.R - Face Everything and Rise
- Shaky Shaky Remix
Main Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.
All music created by DJ Rufbeats